Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving. This has been a crazy, and sometimes very rough, year. As we continue to deal with Joey's college search, applications, and decision; uncertainties about the economic future and the ramifications that may have for the arts, and Steph's own adventures in health the thing I keep coming back to is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for family. I use that word to cast a pretty wide net. To my gurus, mentors, and teachers: I am grateful for the knowledge that you have and continue lay on me and guidance you offer - both in music and in life. To my Navy Music family: I am grateful for your professionalism, fellowship, and unconditional support. To my brother and sister saxophonists: I am grateful for the path that our instrument and our goals place in front of us and that we walk it together. To my friends, old and new; close and distant: I am grateful that you are in my life - even if it is only through FB these days. Finally, to my Family: your love and presence keeps me going every day. 

As I sit down to my favorite meal of the year with a happy high school senior and a wife who has redefined the idea of positive outlook (and, she's a badass!) I wanted to take a moment to wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving.

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