Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As I wait for my bread dough to finish rising, I thought I'd follow suit with some others in the blogosphere and share some things that I am thankful for this year:

My wonderful family.
S is finishing up a very demanding degree program (she graduates in a couple of weeks) and there has not been a time that I haven't been amazed at her focus, insight, determination and courage at this massive undertaking.  Joey breaks every stereotype of a 13 year old that there is.  My parents are in good health and happy, my brother is home safe after a long trip to a not so safe place and my sister is very happy.  I also have, simply put, the best in-laws ever.  I truly love my father, mother and sisters-in law.    

Friends - old, new and reconnected.
I feel very luck to have a group of friends, colleagues, and fellow artistic strivers that make both my personal artistic journey so much more rewarding.  I also have reconnected with so many old friends through the marvel of Facebook and MySpace.  It's wonderful to have so many of you back in my life!

I am optimistic and hopeful about the next four years.  A welcome change!

I am always thankful for so much music but here are a few individual things that have brought joy to my life lately...
Maria Schneider - Sky Blue
Darcy James Argue's performance at IAJE last January
Beethoven's C# Minor String Quartet
John Coltrane's "One Up live" recording
Sonny Rollins "Night at the Village Vanguard"
Wayne Shorter - Both his 6o's stuff and his latest explorations
The Decemberists - "The Crane Wife"
Radiohead - "In Rainbows"
Jerry Bergonzi "Tenor Trilogy (Tenor Talk, The Tenorist and The Tenor of the Times)"

David Liebman
Stephen Duke
Christopher Collins
and most recently, Matt Otto
I am so grateful to have learned from you and that you continue to provide guidance and inspiration.

And finally I am grateful to have this outlet to share ideas and to you for reading and participating.

Happy Thanksgiving


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